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The Carolina’s Premier Cabinet Refinishing Professionals

Beautiful Cabinet Refinishing & Countertop Installations

Are you looking for a way to dramatically improve your kitchen or bathroom without the high costs and disruption of a renovation? Simpli Painted has the solution with professional cabinet refinishing services throughout the Carolina’s. Our team delivers stunning results that will brighten and modernize your home with budget-friendly services. Take your makeover a step further with our countertop installations for dramatic effect or material upgrades. Just send us four or five photos of your project, and we’ll promptly turn around an estimate to make you another happy homeowner!

Cabinet Refinishing
luxurious kitchen

Professional Results Every Time

Give your existing kitchen cabinetry a makeover by having them professional refinished! Dark wood can make kitchens feel smaller. Maybe you’re tired of looking at light wood that feels dated. In any case, our cabinetry refinishing services are the perfect solution for these situations and many others. Our team is so skilled in this craft you won’t believe your repainted cabinets are the same ones that were there before we started. We go above and beyond to provide the highest level of customer service and incredible results on every project.

Give Your Cabinets the Makeover They Deserve

We are a locally owned and operated company serving the Carolinas, and we take immense pleasure in helping customers realize their dream of an updated kitchen through a better process. Not only is our cabinet repainting service less expensive than entirely replacing your cabinetry but its faster, cleaner and will leave a beautifully renovated space for the whole family to enjoy. We guarantee we will never leave a job until you are completely satisfied. To get a quote for your cabinet project, please send us 4/5 photos as well as a count of the doors and drawer faces and we will send your customized quote. Find out just how easy it really is to transform your kitchen.

Client Testimonials

Simpli Painted

Charlotte 704-978-7618
Raleigh 919-446-5858


4833 Berewick Town Center Dr #125
Charlotte, NC 28278

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    Simpli Painted – Charlotte NC

    4833 Berewick Town Center DR # 125
    Charlotte, NC 28278


    Hours of Operation
    Available 24/7

    4833 Berewick Town Center Dr #125, Charlotte, NC 28278, USA